Monday, May 28, 2007

Poker is SOOO Humbling

Today: -$1,679
Hours: 2.5
To Date:+$25,322

Poker is such a humbling game. Just when I think I'm reaching a point where I'm becoming almost too good, I realize I definitely am not, lol. I guess I started thinking that I didn't have to try as hard in the past couple days and that I could just play my absolute best "A" game everytime I sat down w/out any serious drive, effort, and energy at the tables. I couldn't have been any more wrong, and the great humbling game of poker put me back in my place fast and hard. I only played one session per day in the last 2 days, but managed to make somewhere around $800 worth of bad plays and mistakes. I'm happy it only took a few hours for me to realize this though, and am motivated and determined to put all my energy into playing my best game everytime.

Friday, May 25, 2007

And another one...

Today: +$229
Hours: 2.5
To Date: +$27,001

I got lazy in my second session and didn't try my absolute hardest to make the correct decision for about an hour. It cost me a few hundred bucks. I made some back playing a little 1/2 heads up at full tilt for a little while. But I definitely should have made over $500 today because of laziness. On another note, some people who play poker are just sooo dumb and ignorant to the point where I just can't believe there are actually this many idiots in the world. Oh man, I don't even have time to get into this right now. But some of these people just amaze me to the point where I just have to sit back and ponder with astonishment as to how there can be so many people in this world like this. I'm not talking about their play, just about what they say and think. Anyways, don't have time right now to get into this discussion because I could go on about this stuff for a really long time.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Back from Vacation....Back to the Grind!

Today: +$1,385 (Friday-Wednesday)
Hours: 1.25
To Date: +$26,722

Back from one of the best cities in the nation, San Diego. I got back yesterday and started finally playing again today (which I will post tomorrow). I only managed to log 1.25 hours while I was down there for a total of one session. At least it went really well though, I was pretty hot. It was nice to get a break from the daily grind but I am very ready to get back into the swing of things. I feel really refreshed and motivated and want to finish off the month playing really well and logging a lot of hours. As long as I continue to put as much effort into focusing on my discipline and play for the last week as I have since the 7th this month will be a big success no matter what my results are.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Playin my best at all times is SO IMPORTANT

Today: -$1,221
Hours: 12.25
To Date: +$25,337

Didn't play my best on Monday or Tuesday at all and was probably down almost 1k more than I would have been if I had been playing how I was for the last week before. Happy about my play on Wed. though, and made almost $500 of it back. Don't have time to post anything more right now. I'm going to San Diego for the next week and am not gonna be able to play for the next 3 days at all. So I'll be back on here in a few days, later.

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's Gettin Hot in Her

Today: +$2,258
Hours: 2.75
To Date: +$26,558

Made $1,700 playing 2/4 6 max and the rest playing 1/2 heads up. I've really been enjoying playing some HU here and there at $200 nl on Full Tilt. It's a good change from the normal full ring 2/4 games for me, and the money isn't that stressfull at all. I think I have gotten a lot better at it, and I'm enjoying working on getting much better. I've always enjoyed the competitiveness and psychollogy of heads up. I've just had a 2 really bad sessions before when I didn't have nearly as much money that really hurt at the time. But I've been loving it and I know I'm due for some good times at it now and in the future. Anyways, results wise it was a great day for me. Just building the bankroll one day at a time.....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Top of the Morning to Ya

Today: +$765
Hours: 4
To Date: +$24,300

Just got up about 2 hours ago. It's 4pm in sunny california and I was up till a little after 6am last night. I had only played a 1 hour session throughout yesterday until I sat down at 1am to play one more session. There was only 4-5 tables going but they were all really good so I decided I had no choice but to play. 3 hours later I finally pulled myself away the games after winning over $1,100. It's funny that I've gotten to the point where there are certain times that I just have to play because I'm so +EV in the games compared to normal. That is not at all neccessary at 1/2 no limit or below, but at 2/4 and above that has started to become the case. I played one table of 3/6 last night for about an hour as well and won around $200 there. Anyways I actually 2 outered someone on the river for an $800 pot, so I think I'm at the start of a serious heater.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Rakeback from April

Adding in my rakeback from last month of +$1,828, man I love it!!
To Date: +$23,535

Another Day

Today: +$69
Hours: 5.5
To Date: +$21,707

Thought I wasn't going to play that much but ended up logging 5 1/2 hours, lol. There was some really good games going on late at night so I played almost a 3 hour session. I didn't play my complete A game the last 2 sessions of the day, but overall I still played well. Didn't make any huge mistakes or bluff off a bunch of chips, which is good. But I just kinda let a couple of the really really bad players frustrate me a little, and made a couple calls that were definitely not good. I also played a little heads up 1/2 and .50/1 on Full Tilt for 20 minutes and won a couple hundred at the very end of the night. I have a new strategy for when I play heads up that I'm going to expirement with a little over the next week that I think should help my HU game more profitable.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Feeling Great About my Future

Today: +$1,820
Hours: 4.75
To Date: +$21,638

Finally had a really good day, results wise that is. I played really well the whole day too. I am loving poker so much right now, it's great! I have never enjoyed it this much when I have been running bad like I have this month. But I'm just enjoying working hard and focusing only on my play. I think I'm taking my game to a another level and that feels really good. The 2/4 games have been great lately as well, which makes me happy not only now but for the future too. For a few weeks I was getting a little worried, but how they have been in the last couple weeks has made me confident about the future. Anyway thats all for now, I have a couple things I want to write about in the near future but not right now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Love this Game and the Life that goes with it

May 1st-9th: -$2,501
Hours: 22.5
To Date: +$19,818

I was w/ my girlfriend a lot from Wednesday to Sunday so I only played about an hour or two each day at the most. But in the last few days since then I've been putting in a lot of hours each day. The deck has been pretty brutal to me so far this month, but thats ok it's not bothering me. I don't even want to put energy into talking about or dwelling on the amount of suckouts or two outers that has happened to me. I just don't care about it, and am only focusing on myself and my own play. I've continued to really put effort into my mental toughness and discipline. It's been paying off, as eventhough I've been running bad I haven't let it affect me and I'm actually loving this game as much or more than ever. I have also been putting a lot of energy into improving my actual play as well. In the last few days I've spent a good amount of time and energy on tweaking my strategy and style a little. As well as plugging some leaks that have been costing me money. It's funny but the harder I work on myself the more I enjoy it. So I'm feeling really good about my game right now and that's all I'm going to continue to care about. But I have a feeling some good results will be following soon! Here is a little quote I thought of last night after I finished playing for a good all around day: "The more I work on my game, the more I stay disciplined. Thus the better I play, and the more I enjoy poker and life."

Thursday, May 3, 2007

April Results

So April ended up being at least a good month overall. A little dissapointing though after starting off the first 10 days +$6,500. I really thought I was gonna make over 12k for the month. At least I finally got out of my downswing by the very end of the month. But oh well, monetary goals for only a month are kinda stupid to make in poker. Anyways, I played 51,350 hands in 92 hours total. My PT stats say I ran at 3.3 ptbb/100, but I would guess I actually ran at around 2.5ptbb/100. The reason is because it says I made about 3k more than I actually did because a couple days there were some problems w/ importing hands from UB. I made $8,423 on the internet, lost $700 live, and made another $1,828 from rakeback. So for April I profited a total of $9,551 all together. I feel good about that, but May I expect to do better. I also expect to play at least 10 more hours, and overall play significantly more consistently and better no matter what happens.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Finally Back in the Black

Today: +$4,405 (Tuesday-Monday)
Hours: 22
To Date: +$22,319

Alright, I'm finally out of my rut and back to consistently winning again. I was at around +$21,900 on Apr. 11th, and almost 3 weeks later I'm finally ahead of that. I've been playing on both Full Tilt and Ultimate Bet for the last 4 days. I really like the game selection on FTP and overall the 2/4 games are softer there. The 1/2 games are just ridiculous too, and there are always a lot of tables going for any limit at any time. However, the games on UB have been pretty damn good again lately. I only had 2k to start with on Full Tilt and that's not much to work with. I'm down to 1k on there now, but I've been absolutely killing on UB the last 2 days. Anyways I've been going over a lot of my stats on Pokertracker and I've been working on some things to improve my game. I really learned a lot about myself and my game in the last few weeks. I feel like I have realized and fixed some things that have made me a better player and will continue to help me for the next time things are going really bad. But that's it for now, I just wanted to post my results for the last week and kinda catch up on things. I'll post my stats for April, as well as my goals for May tomorrow.