Thursday, May 24, 2007

Back from Vacation....Back to the Grind!

Today: +$1,385 (Friday-Wednesday)
Hours: 1.25
To Date: +$26,722

Back from one of the best cities in the nation, San Diego. I got back yesterday and started finally playing again today (which I will post tomorrow). I only managed to log 1.25 hours while I was down there for a total of one session. At least it went really well though, I was pretty hot. It was nice to get a break from the daily grind but I am very ready to get back into the swing of things. I feel really refreshed and motivated and want to finish off the month playing really well and logging a lot of hours. As long as I continue to put as much effort into focusing on my discipline and play for the last week as I have since the 7th this month will be a big success no matter what my results are.


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