Thursday, May 3, 2007

April Results

So April ended up being at least a good month overall. A little dissapointing though after starting off the first 10 days +$6,500. I really thought I was gonna make over 12k for the month. At least I finally got out of my downswing by the very end of the month. But oh well, monetary goals for only a month are kinda stupid to make in poker. Anyways, I played 51,350 hands in 92 hours total. My PT stats say I ran at 3.3 ptbb/100, but I would guess I actually ran at around 2.5ptbb/100. The reason is because it says I made about 3k more than I actually did because a couple days there were some problems w/ importing hands from UB. I made $8,423 on the internet, lost $700 live, and made another $1,828 from rakeback. So for April I profited a total of $9,551 all together. I feel good about that, but May I expect to do better. I also expect to play at least 10 more hours, and overall play significantly more consistently and better no matter what happens.


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