Friday, May 25, 2007

And another one...

Today: +$229
Hours: 2.5
To Date: +$27,001

I got lazy in my second session and didn't try my absolute hardest to make the correct decision for about an hour. It cost me a few hundred bucks. I made some back playing a little 1/2 heads up at full tilt for a little while. But I definitely should have made over $500 today because of laziness. On another note, some people who play poker are just sooo dumb and ignorant to the point where I just can't believe there are actually this many idiots in the world. Oh man, I don't even have time to get into this right now. But some of these people just amaze me to the point where I just have to sit back and ponder with astonishment as to how there can be so many people in this world like this. I'm not talking about their play, just about what they say and think. Anyways, don't have time right now to get into this discussion because I could go on about this stuff for a really long time.


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