Saturday, July 28, 2007

Playing Poorly

Thursday+Friday: -$1,373
Hours: 4.25
To Date: +$55,050

Not only have I not played as much as I should have on thursday and friday, but I'm also not playing even close to my potential. Thursday was fine, but yesterday I really ended the day off bad. The last session of the day I had to cut short b/c I kept on making stupid fucking bluffs that I knew wouldn't work. I lost 600 that session and should have broken even or maybe only lost 200 at the absolute most. Actually looking back on yesterday, the last session of the day was really the only one where I played downright bad. But it still kills me b/c it was one of the most I've spewed off chips in a long time! Anyway, I kinda feel like punishing myself in some way for my play. Something like forcing myself to drop down to $200 nl and play a certain # of hands until I can move back up to 2/4 and 3/4nl. And I would have to play my A game for those hands or else I would have to keep playing at the lower limits. But I probably won't end up doing that if I see that the games I normally play are looking good today. We'll see though, all I know is I HAVE to play solid today or I'm gonna freak out on myself!


At August 2, 2007 at 12:36 AM , Blogger Jon Miller's $50,000 Poker Challenge said...


Hey thanks for checking out my Blog. yeah $10 for the rest of year is actually a good goal. My over-all feeling I am getting from my challege is some what of a disappointment. My problem is I don't put in the time I need to. Also with summer and golf being a big part of my life, it's hard to balance all that with work and a g/f. I do as good as i can with the time I have. I hope to grind it out more after Aug once all my golf tournaments are done. I have started to play $100NL so things will start looking up. Best of luck in all you do!


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