Friday, May 11, 2007

Feeling Great About my Future

Today: +$1,820
Hours: 4.75
To Date: +$21,638

Finally had a really good day, results wise that is. I played really well the whole day too. I am loving poker so much right now, it's great! I have never enjoyed it this much when I have been running bad like I have this month. But I'm just enjoying working hard and focusing only on my play. I think I'm taking my game to a another level and that feels really good. The 2/4 games have been great lately as well, which makes me happy not only now but for the future too. For a few weeks I was getting a little worried, but how they have been in the last couple weeks has made me confident about the future. Anyway thats all for now, I have a couple things I want to write about in the near future but not right now.


At November 10, 2008 at 11:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


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