Sunday, May 13, 2007

Top of the Morning to Ya

Today: +$765
Hours: 4
To Date: +$24,300

Just got up about 2 hours ago. It's 4pm in sunny california and I was up till a little after 6am last night. I had only played a 1 hour session throughout yesterday until I sat down at 1am to play one more session. There was only 4-5 tables going but they were all really good so I decided I had no choice but to play. 3 hours later I finally pulled myself away the games after winning over $1,100. It's funny that I've gotten to the point where there are certain times that I just have to play because I'm so +EV in the games compared to normal. That is not at all neccessary at 1/2 no limit or below, but at 2/4 and above that has started to become the case. I played one table of 3/6 last night for about an hour as well and won around $200 there. Anyways I actually 2 outered someone on the river for an $800 pot, so I think I'm at the start of a serious heater.


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