Monday, August 20, 2007


Saturday+Sunday: +$4,344
Hours: 4.75
To Date: +$59,219

WOW! Saturday was a great day for me. I had my best single session ever and also my best overall day ever(money wise that is). My first session of the day I played for only an hour and made +$4,960. Not bad for just one hour of play. Then my second and last session of the day I played for an hour again and made +$1,070. That brought the total on the day to +$6,030, in only 2 hours of play! I was playing $1,000 nl on most of my tables, but still a couple of tables were either $200 or $400 nl. The first session I played I just ran like GOD, but I also played really well too. I was in complete control and dominating the table, which allowed me to make a couple great plays. Yesterday I lost around $1,500, but oh well that's to be expected after a day like Saturday I guess. So far after my first 10k hands at 5/10 nl I'm doing really well. The swings really don't affect me that much at all, and I now feel really comfortable playing that high. It also makes poker fun and exciting too, which I think will last for a pretty long while actually. If I happen to lose 5 buyins or something more at $1000 nl I will probably just play lower limits for a little while, but other than that I'm gonna try to play at least a couple tables of it every session I play. Unless all of the games at the time are really bad of course. I just remembered that I need to add in my rakeback from last month, so I'll definitely do that a little later on today. Hopefully I can go on a tear the rest of this month and make over $10k more by the end of it.


At August 23, 2007 at 11:02 AM , Blogger mike said...

nice to see that you are playing good focused poker, hope your good streak continues for you.


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