Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back in Black

Monday-Friday: +$4,641
Hours: 13
To Date: +$54,875

Ok I'm finally back in the black on the month! Only took me a little over 2 weeks, lol. I've been pretty happy w/ my play these days. I think this last downswing has made me a better player for sure. I don't have enough time to talk about how I feel I've gotten so much better in the past few months, so I'll save it for another post soon here. But it feels really good to be completely out of my downswing and I'm ready to put in a lot of hours the rest of the month and hopefully the month will turn out to be a really good one!
P.S. - I just had my best session ever about an hour ago! I made $5k in only 1 hour, feels sooooo good!!! Those results as well as my rakeback from July will be posted tomorrow.


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