Sunday, February 25, 2007

Such Brutal Swings

Today: -$952, -$379 HU
Hours: 2
To Date: +$5,322
$200 nl win rate: $35/hr

Feel pretty good about today surprisingly. I played pretty damn good I think in $200 NL. I just had a lot of bad breaks. Things have been so swingy lately there it is just ridiculous. I'm now on a 11 buyin downswing, after only a week ago going on a 9 buying dowswing, then followed by a 17 buyin upswing. CRAZY. I don't think I should be going on a 9+buyin downswing twice in the same month though. So I think I'm gonna go over all my big losing hands yesterday and make sure I played as good as I think I did. It has me a little concerned but I am pretty confident on this downswing I have played pretty good. I played 2.75 hours of $50 HU and had a really bad run of cards there. I played much better than my competition for the most part. But during my first session where I lost $400 I'd say I stopped thinking objectively a little and didn't take my time to think enough. This resulted in me losing around $150 that I definitely shouldn't have.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Love Playing HU

Today: -$24, +$453 HU
Hours: 2.5
To Date: +$6,653
$200 nl win rate(to date): $53/hr

Played really well today, especially heads up. I think I played almost as good as I possibly could for the 2.75 hrs of HU. I am gonna try and get back to focusing more on $200 nl though. I can definitely make more money playing it, so that is the most important thing for me to be doing. It's just a lot of fun to switch it up and play some heads up for a change. I love playing heads up, especially against players that I have such an edge against and for stakes that are low enough to not cause me stress.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Last Couple Days

Today: -$1,340
Hours: 6
To Date: +$6,224
$200 nl win rate(to date): $55/hr

I forgot to post yesterday, so this is a combination of the last 2 days. I played really poorly the first day, and yesterday I played pretty damn good until one of the last hands of the day where I lost $180 that was completely my fault. So overall it ended up being an ok day of play, but I have just been getting unlucky. That's expected after the day I had the other day though, so I expect to start running better and playing a little better very soon. I feel like overall I have just become such a better player than a couple months ago. I am very confident in my abilities, and have improved every single aspect of my game. I just need to stop making the careless bad play that I make like once or twice a day and that will really help. That, along with a couple other small things and I feel like I am and will be a very good player. I also finally got some money into Ultimate Bet and I love it. It is by far my favorite site, and I have been playing some really low NL heads up tables that I feel like I can absolutely crush and dominate people at. In about 4 hours so far I'm down around $46, but I have been up around $200 for the most part, and just gotten extremely unlucky lately.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

By the Way

By the way that $7,500 figure that I'm up so far is only from actual poker. That is not including bonuses and rakeback. I am really up around $10,000 to date. I don't know why I haven't been including those in it, but oh well.


Today: +$2,787
Hours: 6.25
To Date: +$7,564
$200 nl win rate: $90/hr

I made almost 14 buyins today! Wow is all I can say about that. Today was a freakin dream day of poker. Almost every single thing was going right for like a 2 hour time period. There is nothing better than playing in really juicy games, playing really well, and being absolutely on fire all at the same time! Man, I love this game so much sometimes. In my last 2 hours session I made like $1,750, talk about a rush of cards and circumstances. This was exactly what I needed after how I had been running for over the first 2 weeks of this month. I could have made $3,000 today if I had not made a couple of mistakes too. Hopefully I can ride this wave for a while and keep on crushing these games until I have around a $16k bankroll to move up to 2/4 no limit.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Let's Go Cards! C'mon

Today: +$1,029
Hours: 2
To Date: +$4,777
$200 nl win rate(to date): $37/hr

I'm back and my big downswing took a pretty nice turn in the right direction. I played good and ran good. I feel like I got a nice break from poker which was really good for me considering how things had been going. It gave me a chance to reflect about February so far. I realized that I wasn't putting in the right amount of effort and energy for every single session neccessary, as well as a couple other small things I need to adjust. So today was a great day to get things rolling. I am going to be playing much more hours than normal for the rest of the month. This shouldn't be a problem, I'm feeling really refreshed and motivated again. I realize that being sick for a week, the short month, and me not playing that many hours at all this month I probably wont reach my $10,000+ goal for this month. I'm also only up a couple hundred right now and haven't ran well AT ALL. Thats ok though, it's such a short term goal and those don't always work out in poker. So I would like to make over $6,000 by March and make more than last month and I will definitely consider that a success.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Down Down Downswing

Today: -$862
Hours: 2
To Date: +$3,748
$200 nl win rate: $13/hr

Wow. Another pretty brutal day of luck. But I also read 2 hands exactly right but didn't have the discipline to lay them down. That cost me a little over a full buyin. So I need to play better and really focus on being disciplined. My reading ability has gotten so good, but lately I haven't been disciplined enough for it to significantly help me. I really need to get back to extreme discipline in my game and I should be fine. The last 30 hours of play have been pretty rough for me. But I'm honestly not letting the cards get to me, the only thing that has a little bit has been my play. So just need to play my "A" game and everything else positive will follow. Not gonna be playing much over the next 4 days, but I will be ready to get it on big time after that and finish off the last 10 days of the month with a huge rush!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Day After...calm before the rush

Today: -$221
Hours: 2
To Date: +$4,610
$200 nl win rate: $37/hr

Well, after my first blow up of the year yesterday, today went bettter. I played some good poker today, and with my run of cards I could have lost more. I feel good though, and I am done complaining about the cards and deck dealt to me. I am rejuvinated and am ready to completely put all my energy and focus back on playing my "A" game. I am going to focus on playing very very solid, so I can get to the $400 NL game as soon as possible. I expect things to go exceptionally well for me over the last half of the month, and I have that good excited feeling about things again.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Today: -$944
Hours: 5
To Date: +$4,831
$200 nl win rate(to date): $45/hr

I am so fucking pissed at myself right now!! Today I played absolutely terrible, and made a terrible decision that cost me a lot of money I shouldn't have lost. Today was definitely the worst day since I've started this blog. FUCK ME! First of all, I played 3.5 hours throughout the day and was up like $200 overall. Which was absolutely ridiculous because I should have been up somewhere between $400-$600 without a doubt. But I made a few pretty bad plays, and 2 really bad unexusable plays. So I was pretty pissed at myself because today should have been a pretty nice day of poker. Then I decided to play at 2:00 am just for a little bit and see if I could make a little more money. The dumbest fucking decision ever! There was only like 6 games going, they were all pretty bad and washed up. But like an idiot I kept playing. And I proceeded to get really bad cards, get really really unlucky, and be against a couple really bad players who were on incredible rushes and hitting everything. Not only that, but I was stupidly playing heads up on two tables against these horrible players that were on unstoppable rushes. That is a terrible combination of circumstances and cost me around 6 god damn buyins. I am so pissed at myself right now, I seriously can't even take it. There is no way that if I played tomorrow the same amount of time I would have even lost half this amount, no matter what the cards. This is so fucking bad. This absolutely kills my win rate at 200 nl, which was already shitty. This is the side of poker that I hate, although it's mostly all my fault and I can only blame myself for deciding to be an idiot and play again when I was already done. So, should have been a +$500 day, and end up being a -$944 day. Sweet! Kills my winrate, kills my money in my poker account. My decision to play after the day was over cost me a shit load of money, time, my winrate, and mental state.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Week of the 2 Outers

Today: +$1,011
Hours: 3.25
To Date: +$5,775
$200 NL win rate: $83/hr

Still getting ridiculously unlucky in BIG pots. But can't complain too much about today. I think I got some good times coming and hopefully this is just the start. I made all the right decisions in critical times, and overall I'm happy with my play.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Today: -$83
Hours: 4.25
To Date: +$4,764
$200 nl win rate(to date): $56/hr

Bad run of cards continues in all my big pots. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of minimizing my losses, but not great. Just need to slow down, think, and make a couple less small mistakes.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I'm Back

Today: -$166
Hours: 7.5
To Date: +$4,847
$200 NL win rate(to date): $69/hr

I've been pretty damn sick with bronchidias since saturday, so I didn't play at all from Sat. to Wed. Thursday was the first day I played and I forgot to record it, so I combined my stats from today and yesterday. Yesterday was a pretty bad run of cards with a couple dumb mistakes made by me. I also got 2 outerd to a higher boat on the river of a $630 pot. I lost almost $600, but had a pretty good day today and almost got back to even. I played really well today other than one bad call for like $40 bucks, one bad fold that cost me like $35, and one bad bluff that cost me $120. Overall since I've gotten back into the swing of playing the last 2 days I am happy with my play for the most part. I have made a lot of really good plays, but I definitely need to clean up a few really thoughtless and bad mistakes I have made a few times each day. As long as I clean that up I will be pulling in an extra buyin per day, and I will be off and running. I think I feel a big rush coming on real soon here!! I'm gonna be playing a lot of hours.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Mundane Side of Poker

Today: -$116
Hours: 2.25
To Date: +$5,013
$200 nl win rate(to date): $112/hr

Some pretty bad beats, couldn't really get anything going. Overall it was a very boring and uneventful day. Probably could have minimized my loss a little more than I did. I really hate epassporte! I started an account with them almost 2 weeks ago and still haven't got the micro deposits in my bank account to activate my account. So I've been stuck playing at shitty Absolute Poker. I really wonder how much profit I have given up playing there in the last month. I'm just gonna have to Fed Ex some money to myself through a check soon here if epassporte continues to screw me over. I need to get money into Ultimate Bet bad!!!!!

Friday, February 2, 2007

$472 in 1 hour Feels Good and Easy

Today: +$472
Hours: 1
To Date: +$5,129
$200 nl win rate(so far): $139/hr

Need to play some more hours.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

January Results

Overall I'm pretty damn happy with January. Sure, there was plenty of mistakes I made that if I didn't make could have resulted in a fair amount of more profit for me. But I had a rough first week personally, and considering everything I feel good about the month. I met my all short term goals, and the month ended up just about how I believed and envisioned it would (hmmm...coincidence? I don't think so). Here is a summary of my month monetarily....

Poker: +$4,657 in 72.25 hours at the tables. For a total winrate of $64/hr.
Rakeback: +$1,136
Absolute Poker Bonus: +$650
Total Profit for January: +$6,443 @ $89/hr

Wow $89/hr isn't bad at all! Of course that doesn't take into account all the time I spent recording my results, analyzing my play, and reading/watching videos on getting better. But considering what most people make an hour at my age I feel pretty grateful that I can play this game and make this kind of money. I just need to focus my energy on getting better, playing my best at all times, and using my mind right. I can't wait for this time next month becuause I really believe that my winrate will be over double this month's.

Positive Results heading towards Feb

Today: +$181
Hours: 3.75
To Date: +$4,657
Win Rate ($200 nl so far): $113/hr

Focused more and played better today. I made one stupid $75 bet, and one or two other small mistakes. But other than that I really thought about each play and put the right energy into my play today. The bad luck and cards never entered into my thoughts or emotions. I also made a bluff on the river that would have been very good if I had like $50 more in my stack. The guy was very very close to folding and my read was right, but he made a really tough call and it cost me my whole stack. I learned a couple things from that attempt that will help me in the future so I'm ok with the bluff. I still feel like I'm improving in important areas of this complex game, and I expect this coming month to be the best of my life. So today was a pretty good turn around from yesterday and I won't look back from here. By the way off topic, every day I post on here is from the previous day. For example, this post says Feb. 1st but it's my results from Jan. 31st.