Friday, February 23, 2007

The Last Couple Days

Today: -$1,340
Hours: 6
To Date: +$6,224
$200 nl win rate(to date): $55/hr

I forgot to post yesterday, so this is a combination of the last 2 days. I played really poorly the first day, and yesterday I played pretty damn good until one of the last hands of the day where I lost $180 that was completely my fault. So overall it ended up being an ok day of play, but I have just been getting unlucky. That's expected after the day I had the other day though, so I expect to start running better and playing a little better very soon. I feel like overall I have just become such a better player than a couple months ago. I am very confident in my abilities, and have improved every single aspect of my game. I just need to stop making the careless bad play that I make like once or twice a day and that will really help. That, along with a couple other small things and I feel like I am and will be a very good player. I also finally got some money into Ultimate Bet and I love it. It is by far my favorite site, and I have been playing some really low NL heads up tables that I feel like I can absolutely crush and dominate people at. In about 4 hours so far I'm down around $46, but I have been up around $200 for the most part, and just gotten extremely unlucky lately.


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