Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Today: -$944
Hours: 5
To Date: +$4,831
$200 nl win rate(to date): $45/hr

I am so fucking pissed at myself right now!! Today I played absolutely terrible, and made a terrible decision that cost me a lot of money I shouldn't have lost. Today was definitely the worst day since I've started this blog. FUCK ME! First of all, I played 3.5 hours throughout the day and was up like $200 overall. Which was absolutely ridiculous because I should have been up somewhere between $400-$600 without a doubt. But I made a few pretty bad plays, and 2 really bad unexusable plays. So I was pretty pissed at myself because today should have been a pretty nice day of poker. Then I decided to play at 2:00 am just for a little bit and see if I could make a little more money. The dumbest fucking decision ever! There was only like 6 games going, they were all pretty bad and washed up. But like an idiot I kept playing. And I proceeded to get really bad cards, get really really unlucky, and be against a couple really bad players who were on incredible rushes and hitting everything. Not only that, but I was stupidly playing heads up on two tables against these horrible players that were on unstoppable rushes. That is a terrible combination of circumstances and cost me around 6 god damn buyins. I am so pissed at myself right now, I seriously can't even take it. There is no way that if I played tomorrow the same amount of time I would have even lost half this amount, no matter what the cards. This is so fucking bad. This absolutely kills my win rate at 200 nl, which was already shitty. This is the side of poker that I hate, although it's mostly all my fault and I can only blame myself for deciding to be an idiot and play again when I was already done. So, should have been a +$500 day, and end up being a -$944 day. Sweet! Kills my winrate, kills my money in my poker account. My decision to play after the day was over cost me a shit load of money, time, my winrate, and mental state.


At February 13, 2007 at 11:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guess who it is?? Your anonymous girlfriend...I thought this day would be a good day for my first comment to try and make you feel better. I wish I would have woken up last night so I could have been there for you. The worst feeling is being pissed off at yourself, because you actually have control over that. I'm sorry babe, I really am, and wish I could make you feel better (which I will be able to do this weekend!) As you said, this is the side of poker that is the hardest and most people can't take it. However, I think you have what it takes and I believe in you so much that you can accomplish whatever you want. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but you have to think of it as another bump in the road to get to where you want to be. I know you know all of this, but maybe knowing that there is someone who supports and believes in you could help you feel a little better :) I can't wait to see you babe.. love you!!


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