Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today: +$2,787
Hours: 6.25
To Date: +$7,564
$200 nl win rate: $90/hr

I made almost 14 buyins today! Wow is all I can say about that. Today was a freakin dream day of poker. Almost every single thing was going right for like a 2 hour time period. There is nothing better than playing in really juicy games, playing really well, and being absolutely on fire all at the same time! Man, I love this game so much sometimes. In my last 2 hours session I made like $1,750, talk about a rush of cards and circumstances. This was exactly what I needed after how I had been running for over the first 2 weeks of this month. I could have made $3,000 today if I had not made a couple of mistakes too. Hopefully I can ride this wave for a while and keep on crushing these games until I have around a $16k bankroll to move up to 2/4 no limit.


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