Thursday, February 15, 2007

Down Down Downswing

Today: -$862
Hours: 2
To Date: +$3,748
$200 nl win rate: $13/hr

Wow. Another pretty brutal day of luck. But I also read 2 hands exactly right but didn't have the discipline to lay them down. That cost me a little over a full buyin. So I need to play better and really focus on being disciplined. My reading ability has gotten so good, but lately I haven't been disciplined enough for it to significantly help me. I really need to get back to extreme discipline in my game and I should be fine. The last 30 hours of play have been pretty rough for me. But I'm honestly not letting the cards get to me, the only thing that has a little bit has been my play. So just need to play my "A" game and everything else positive will follow. Not gonna be playing much over the next 4 days, but I will be ready to get it on big time after that and finish off the last 10 days of the month with a huge rush!


At February 18, 2007 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had such a great time this weekend babe!! I hope you go on a good run with poker.. goodluck babe!! love you!


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