Sunday, February 25, 2007

Such Brutal Swings

Today: -$952, -$379 HU
Hours: 2
To Date: +$5,322
$200 nl win rate: $35/hr

Feel pretty good about today surprisingly. I played pretty damn good I think in $200 NL. I just had a lot of bad breaks. Things have been so swingy lately there it is just ridiculous. I'm now on a 11 buyin downswing, after only a week ago going on a 9 buying dowswing, then followed by a 17 buyin upswing. CRAZY. I don't think I should be going on a 9+buyin downswing twice in the same month though. So I think I'm gonna go over all my big losing hands yesterday and make sure I played as good as I think I did. It has me a little concerned but I am pretty confident on this downswing I have played pretty good. I played 2.75 hours of $50 HU and had a really bad run of cards there. I played much better than my competition for the most part. But during my first session where I lost $400 I'd say I stopped thinking objectively a little and didn't take my time to think enough. This resulted in me losing around $150 that I definitely shouldn't have.


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