Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Taking 1 Day off per Week

Today: +$576 (friday-monday)
Hours: 11
To Date: +$30,395

Things have been pretty up and down results wise in the last few days. I took all of Saturday off and I really think it was a good idea. I'm gonna make an effort to take 1 full day off of poker a week. It really helps clear my head and get re focused for the next few days. After taking a day off I always feel motivated and end up playing very well afterwards. So I'm gonna make sure I do this once a week. I've definitely been playing my "A" game lately so I'm feeling really good about my game right now. I'm very confident that this month and probably the next one too will be really good. Anyway that's all for now I have to go do some stuff that I'm late for.


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