Friday, June 8, 2007

It's Been a While....But back to regular updates

May 28th-June 7th: +$4,497
Hours: 35.25
To Date: +$29,819

It's been a while. Once I stop updating for more than 4 or 5 days I just get in a rut where I don't get back here to blog. Also, when I'm not running well and my results are lackluster I'm not nearly as motivated to want to log on here to talk about how bad things are going and post my results. But I don't want that to happen anymore and I think it's important to post very regularly not only for myself, but for any readers too, because I want people to experience through me what it's like as a poker player through the boring and bad times as well as the positive ones. So I'm gonna definitely be posting at least 4 times a week consistently from now on. Anyway, the last week and a half has been a swingy one! From my last post I went on a -$2,000 swing over the next 5 days, and then over the last 5 days I swung up around +$6,000. The last few days I've really played well and have improved a part of my game that I think will really help my bottom line in the future. I had developed a bad habit at the tables over the last couple months and didn't really realize it until about a week ago. I've been running really hot and I guess I didn't realize just how bad I had been running for the last couple weeks before this, becuase I had almost forgot what it feels like to get a lot of good hands. May ended up being a pretty bad month for me, I'm not sure what I ended up for the month but I'll post my May results in the next couple days along with my goals for April.


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