Saturday, April 21, 2007

Haven't really been playing--But somehow losing big

Today: -1,493 (tuesday-friday)
Hours: 7
To Date: +18,207

Haven't updated because I haven't really been playing much and things have been going pretty badly. On tuesday I was up over $800 until I played $200 nl heads up against a pretty terrible player who was on a luck streak from the poker gods that was unbelievable. I ended up losing around $900 to him, which is almost 5 buyins at 1/2. Then on Wed. I played 2 different 1/2 hours sessions, both of which I had to stop quickly after things going too wrong too fast. But oh well, I'm just in a rut and mentally haven't been motivated enough to put in the hours and get through this quicker. Money wise this downswing seems worse than it actually is because this is the first one I've had at 2/4, and am only used to the true variance of 1/2. I also played some live poker on thursday and friday for a few hours and lost over $500 as well. But I'm feeling ok about my game, my confidence is definitely still there, and I'm ready to start killing the online games again after a 2 day break!


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