Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Forgot to post yesterday- Yesterday and Today's results

Today: +$3,370 and yesterday: +$307
Hours: 6 and yesterday: 2.5
To Date: +$21,901
$400 nl win rate (to date): 170/hr

Someone should have taken the under the other day on the +1,800 day I felt coming cause I only made $307. But today I would have fucking crushed it!! After my best day ever last thursday of +$3,181 I had another personal best today with a +$3,370 day. 8 buyins at 2/4 is pretty solid. If I would have played flawlessly today I could have hit 4k, however if I didn't play good like I did I could have only made around 2k. That's how many crazy and tough situations I got into today. My last session of the day was a 1 hour session where I was in like 5 really tough decisions and I was right 4.5 out of 5 and ended up making another 1k. It left a really good taste in my mouth about my play for the day. I have gotten much better at making the right decisions quickly in the extremely hard situations lately. The games in the last 2 days at 2/4 have been phenomenal, I absolutely love it. These are the days of being a poker player I fucking love! The feeling of running well and making tons of money, while earning a lot of it with really good play is unlike anything I can explain. Days like these are usually few and far in between and should be stored in your mind for when the horribly disgusting times come, to be used as hope and motivation. All I need to do is stay motivated to play my "A+" game and keep putting in hours and I should be great. I really hope the games continue to be as good as the last couple days. By the way, having 2 stacks of high society online feels very satisfying.


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