Thursday, June 14, 2007

Playing really well

Today: +$2,193
Hours: 3.5
To Date: +$33,895

Only played one session on Tuesday b/c I had to do stuff all day, and then yesterday I finally got in a few solid sessions. Still pretty damn happy w/ my play lately as I'm really putting a lot of thought, energy, and effort into every decision I make for every session. Late last night I decided to play some $400 nl Heads Up tables on Full Tilt. I played 2 tables at once and absolutely killed it. I made some really good reads and plays, as well as hitting a good amount of flops. Ended up making just under 2k in half an hour. I wish I cold have played longer, but my opponets kept on leaving me after I was owning them so I decided to call it a night after only around 30 minutes. It felt really good to book a very nice win at the heads up tables, and boosted my bankroll on Full Tilt nicely.


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