Tuesday, April 3, 2007

March results and April Goals

March ended up being a descent month. I can't figure out for the life of me if I exactly how much I made. For this blog it looks like I made around $4,800 w/out rakeback, but in my PT stats it says I made just under $6,000. So one of these is off by a little over a dime, but I seriously cannot figure it out and don't want to waste more energy trying to figure it out right now. I played 95 hours this month and saw 46,000 hands, averaging 2.55ptbb/100 hands overall. I played 5,000 hands in the last few days of the month at $400 nl and made 6ptbb/100 so that was really good at least. But overall I didn't reach my goal of $10k for the month, however I got to playing $400 nl and I definitely think I played much better than Feb. and improved numerous things in my game. I also made $1,500 from rakeback which feels really good. So overall in March I profited either $6,300 or $7,200, not bad.
My goals for April are as follows: make over $14k, play over 100 hours, make over 4ptbb/100 hands at $400 nl, play my "A" game and focused every single session, and be as disciplined as humanly possible for me.


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