Thursday, January 18, 2007

Minimizing My Losses

Today: +$87
Hours: 4.5
To Date: +$1,362
Win Rate (to date): $32/hr

Another day of some bad beats and a lot of sets hitting against me. But I honestly couldn't be any happier. My play has really improved and I think a month ago I would have been down at least 2 or 3 buyins more in the last few days. I also made a few good bluffs and some timely good decisions. To be down not even a full buy in after the last 2 days really shows me that I am minimizing my bad runs of cards. Gotta keep on focusing on playing my best and improving and I should be more than fine. By the way the only time I got the least bit frustrated was when I got all in for over a buyin w/ AA vs KK and guy hit a king on me. That is the 4th time in the last few months I have gotten all in pre flop for a buyin + w/ AA and lost to KK....ANNOYING! Anyways as long as I continue to play well, my hands will start holding up and and my win rate will climb back up in a hurry.


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