Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Right Where I Want To Be

Today: +$391
Hours: 3
To Date: +$1,065
Win Rate (to date): $60/hr

Im right about where I think I should be 5 tabling $100 NL. I finally got paid off on some big hands today where my opponets had no business being involved at the end. I really wish I could get rakeback at Full Tilt so I didnt' have to play at Absolute Poker. I can't stand so many things about that site, especially the lack of good games later on in the night. I really wonder how much more money I could have made in the last month playing somewhere else. Thats a rant I will save for another post though. I made the right decisions in 2 big pots today that netted me some good money. I played solid today, but I need to clean up a few small mistakes that I made. Overall though, I'm really happy with how the day went. Yesterday I said I expected today to be an even better day. And as far as my profit from poker it was! Got that good old feeling about tomorrow again, so we shall see...


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