Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today: +$338
Hours: 3.75
To Date: +$1,380
Win Rate (to date): $52/hr

Overall today was pretty good. There was actually a fair amount of juicy games at stupid Absolute Poker today. I really need to figure out how I can get rakeback at Full Tilt. But I did make one fold with 2 pair that was wrong that cost me 3/4 of a buy in. I just didn't realize that the player was that dumb and got unlucky. I also made a lay down with trip queens and a jack kicker that I really have no idea about at all. It's really bothering me though, because the guy had a VPIP of like 38 or something. If I was in position I would have been able to keep on going further in the hand and figure it out better. I hope he had a boat with a small pocket pair or had me out kicked or something. I also think I maximized my profit well today in a lot of hands. And I'm happy with myself for constantly being focused and really trying to play at my best. I see myself having a very profitable day tomorrow. I'm so damn motivated to get my win rate up and play better than ever.


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