Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Long hours

Today: +$45
Hours: 4.75
To Date: +$1,443
Win Rate (to date): $43/hr

It was a long day with a very long 3.5 hour session to end it. I'm glad I did it though, because there was some really bad players that ended up paying me off pretty good. I was down $235 to start the day so I ended up getting it all back and then a little. I got all in pre flop with ace king off for 3/4 of a buy in, which was dumb. I also was a little too aggressive today and need to tone that back a little. I C-bet too much and made a few bluffs that I definitely shouldn't have. As long as I make these little adjustments and continue to focus on taking my time to think and playing my best at all times I should be really good. I'll post some stats later today and talk about a couple other things...


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