Monday, January 8, 2007


Ok I haven't been able to play much poker lately because of some hectic things going on in my life. But I'm slowly getting back into the flow. Starting tomorrow I'm going to play at least 3 hours a day and eventually more. Playing around 5 short handed tables at once should allow me to get in over 1,200 hands per day. I really wanted to get going on this blog more than I've been able to as well. So I'm really gonna get moving on it in the next week here. Tomorrow I'm gonna put up a link to my email, in case if when anyone starts reading this wants to contact me about anything. Also I would love to hear people's comments and responses to my posts so feel free to drop a comment on here about whatever. Anyways I'm glad I will finally be able to put some real time into this blog, and hopefully some people will actually find this site and start getting something out of it.


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