Sunday, December 31, 2006

Good First Day of Poker

Won: $532
Hours: 3
Win Rate: $177.33/hr

Today was a pretty solid first day of poker. I averaged about 5 short tables of $100 NL, which is what Im gonna be playing till I get my bankroll up to $6,000 and back to my regular $200NL. With how insanely bad I've been running over the last month I'm guessing a really good run of cards is either here or just around the corner. Looking back at statking, this is actually my best day in 2 weeks. This blog has me feeling nice and refreshed, after having my worst run of cards ever over the last 6 weeks. I played really solid today and only made one mistake where I checked on the turn instead of pushing all in. The guy bet a small amount and I called, and then he hit his flush on river. I got away from the hand with out losing anymore money though. I'm also about 90 percent sure that if I did push, he would have called anyways and I would have lost. But it was still the wrong play, should have made him pay big to see the last card. But overall, I played a really solid 3 hours of poker and got some good cards as well. Now it's time to go get a little stupid for New Years!!

1st Post!!!

Like so many others I have decided to start a blog about my everyday experiences as a poker player. I will be chronicling my success in poker over the next year, and if this blog becomes popular probably for longer. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what people want to read about and what makes a good poker blog. I will mainly be focusing on my actual daily poker play. Things such as stats, progress, success, ups and downs, and hands. But I also want to talk about the mental side of poker(and life for that matter), because after an extended period of time playing this game I know it is the key to success. I love to read about how to use your mind to be successful in whatever you want. I don't have any special, God given talent in poker. Sure, I believe I'm naturally better than the average, but nothing truly special. However, I have some beliefs and philosophies on how to get what I want and this is my chance to try it. I finally will have to practice what I preach and read about. So hopefully other than the usual entertainment from reading about my life and poker experiences, people also find some inspiration and learn things from this that will help them find success in their lives as well.
Which brings me to my main goal and reason for this blog....creating large amounts of money for myself, while mastering this complex and brutal game!!! I know that from writing this blog and focusing my thoughts even more on financially successful poker that I will continue to have increasing amounts of both. My goal is to make over $40,000 by June. This is a serious goal considering for the purpose of this blog, I'm going to start with only around a $2,500 bankroll. But I believe I can do it, see myself doing it, and feel like I already have!
Anyways, I've written way too much for my first entry. But I wanted to share with you what this blog will be and what the purpose of it is. I'll probably get into some background of myself and some other stuff in the near future here. But for now, its time to hit the digital felt.