Sunday, December 31, 2006

Good First Day of Poker

Won: $532
Hours: 3
Win Rate: $177.33/hr

Today was a pretty solid first day of poker. I averaged about 5 short tables of $100 NL, which is what Im gonna be playing till I get my bankroll up to $6,000 and back to my regular $200NL. With how insanely bad I've been running over the last month I'm guessing a really good run of cards is either here or just around the corner. Looking back at statking, this is actually my best day in 2 weeks. This blog has me feeling nice and refreshed, after having my worst run of cards ever over the last 6 weeks. I played really solid today and only made one mistake where I checked on the turn instead of pushing all in. The guy bet a small amount and I called, and then he hit his flush on river. I got away from the hand with out losing anymore money though. I'm also about 90 percent sure that if I did push, he would have called anyways and I would have lost. But it was still the wrong play, should have made him pay big to see the last card. But overall, I played a really solid 3 hours of poker and got some good cards as well. Now it's time to go get a little stupid for New Years!!


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