Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another Day Another Dollar

Thursday-Saturday: +$1,695
Hours: 4.25
To Date: +$52,228

I took Friday off, but played 3.25 hours on Thursday and only 1 hour on Saturday. Last few days I haven't been feeling as motivated to play as the few weeks before. I always know this when my sessions start shortening to 1 hour or less a lot of the time. I find myself looking at the clock after 45 minutes or so. Sometimes poker is just such a grind and so monotanous. I really want to get in some good hours to finish off the month though, so got to motivate myself to play. The only thing is, I have to make sure to not just force myself to play when I don't feel like I will play well becuase that is when poker gets horrible for me. So I need to motivate myself to WANT to play, and to want to play WELL! That's all for now folks, don't feel like typing much right now.


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