Sunday, July 1, 2007

Recoverd from a small mental breakdown

Thursday-Saturday: +$4,786
Hours: 11
To Date: +$38,569

I'll explain what I mean by the title in a sec, but first a little summary of my results. So I got back from Vegas on Thursday and hit the tables for 2 sessions and made around+$1,500 in a few hours. Then on Friday I started out great in my first session, but then went downhill from there. If I didn't play this horrible chump heads up at the very end of my last session on Friday, I would have made around +$2,500 on the day. But instead this guy hit some miracles on me and I only ended up making +$350 on the day(more on this later). Then yesterday I only played 2 sessions for 2 hours total, but had great results and played great profiting just under +$3,000. Anyway right before I left for Vegas I was really thinking hard about how I can improve my game. I decided that when I got back I was gonna change my style and strategy a little. It's been going great and I really feel like I have taken my game to another level. I'm not gonna say what I have changed, but I've just tweaked my style a little. I'm very confiedent that I will make significantly more money now playing this way, and I'm really enjoying playing lately a lot. Now the reason I said I recoverd beautifuly from a mini mental breakdown is because on Friday after I played this guy heads up and lost about $2k I really lost it for a half hour or so. I had a great session going, was playing VERY good and was up over $2,000 in the first hour and a half. Then a HORRIBLE maniac that I was playing w/ earlier at a 6 max table sat down to play me. I had already taken around $1k from him earlier and I had $1,600 on the table. He only sat w/ $250 so I felt like I probably shouldn't play him, but I knew he would rebuy numerous times and was really bad so I decided to play him instead of stopping for the night. Well, we got all in 3 times in the next 15 minutes and he won every time. I was a big favorite every single time the money went in the pot. He was extremely annoying and talking shit the whole time as well, so that made it a lot more frustrating. Long story short, he took about $2k off me and I ended up breaking even on the session. For some reason I just lost it after and it really bothered me. I think w/ all the crap I hold in in poker, this just brought it all out in me and I freaked out. Anyway, the reason I say I recovered really well is becuase then on Saturday I didn't know if I even felt like playing at all, as if the wind was just taken out of my sails. But I got my mind right and ended up playing and had a great day yesterday, and most importantly I kept playing really well like I have for the past few days.
Next post I'll give my results for June, it was my best month ever!


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