Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Today: +$357
Hours: 3
To Date: +$35,158

I'm really happy w/ my play and I've definitely taken my game up a small step to another level. After playing the way I have for the last couple weeks I'm now finally convinced that I definitely have improved enough to say that I've once again taken my game to the next level. No massive improvement or anything, but I know I am noticabely better than I was a month ago. My consistensy in my play, as well as choosing my spots much better for when to make moves/bluffs has been what I've gotten significantly better at. On a Father's Day note, there's nothing like a gift for your dad on Father's Day like telling him that you are now playing poker for a living and plan on doing so for a while. That's what I have the pleasure of doing tonight at dinner, haha. Anyway, hopefully I can get in a couple sessions today and win some money off all the father's looking to have some fun playing poker today at the 2/4 and 3/6 no limit games.


At July 3, 2007 at 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Adam's father I can say that he described the day correctly. He's too old to be told what to do.


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