18th -22nd
Today: +510 (over last 5 days)
Hours: 11.5
To Date: +$9,160
$200 nl win rate: ???...too lazy right now..
Haven't played that much over the last 5 days or so. I played for a couple hours last saturday and broke even, then I have been down in San Diego since. So I didn't play on Sunday at all and then got back to playing from Monday and on for a couple hours each day on average. I was down around 5 buyins from monday until my second session yesterday on Thursday. I had been playing really good for the most part lately, but had gotten back to making a couple big dumb screw ups a day. The screw ups had been completely making my really good play for the majority meaningless, and along with running kinda bad and getting unlucky in important spots I was starting to become mentally affected by it all. I noticed myself at the beginning of yesterday complaining way too much about bad beats and getting really angry with dumb players. This was all a result of me feeling like I have been playing really good for the most part lately, but stupidly once about every session dumping a bunch of money like an idiot. I feel like I have taken my game to another level lately with maximizing my profits and making much more advanced plays resulting in a lot more money in situations than I used to. But the stupid bluffs and things were offseting these good plays. Then yesterday in my second session of the day it all came together. I played extremely good and dominated a couple people allowing me to recieve MUCH more money off them than I think hardly anyone else would have. Everything went right and I made over $1,200 in an hour and a half getting me out of my downswing. So I'm looking foward to the rest of the month, as I feel if I stay very disciplined and cut out all big and dumb mistakes I will do very well. I think I have really improved parts of my game and strategy and am excited about it.
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