Saturday, March 3, 2007

2nd Best Day to Date

Today: +$1,414
Hours: 4.25
To Date: +$6,732
$200 nl win rate: $49/hr

Today was a really good day, +7 buyins! This is a great kick start to the month. Overall, I played really good today. I made one $100 mistake at the beginning of the day, and maybe one or two other small mistakes throughout the day. I was pretty on fire and not getting to screwed over, all while playing pretty damn well. My ability to read hands and put people on a relatively small range of hands has gotten pretty ridiculously good I think. I am very confident in my play and how it is progressing. I have gotten SO much better in numerous ways. I would definitely say my feel for what people have has really become exceptional. I also have continued to analyze my play and am still figuring out things I can and need to improve. I keep on getting better and have been doing little things to sharpen my game. I feel I am ready for $400 NL once I get the bankroll, and I think with a litte more improvement over the next week or two I will really be ready to crush those games. I just need to continue to focus on analyzing my play and getting better, as well as watching videos and reading to get better. Also to put really positive and focused energy into every single session I play.


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