Thursday, March 1, 2007

Feb. 25th-28th

Today: +$137, -$31 HU
Hours: 11.25
To Date: +$5,428
$200 nl win rate (so far): $31/hr

These are the results of the last 4 days. I continued to run extremely bad until yesterday where things have started to turn around a little. I have gotten tons of monster hands over the last 2 days, but have been getting my share of 2, 3, and 5, and 9 outers on the turn and river. I also have been playing some heads up to give me a break from the beating of $200 nl. I played about 4.5 hours of $50 and $100 nl HU since I last blogged and lost a whopping $31. I'll give all of my detailed results for the month of Feburary within a few days. I got lazy over the last week in blogging, I think just becuase things have been going so badly and I have gotten lazy in using my mind the right way for actually the last like 3 weeks. So I'm glad March is here and I'm gonna get my energy and focus right and get back on track for a great month! Detailed results of Feb. and updates for March and the near future coming soon...


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