Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Playing less and Winning more

Today: +$1,120
Hours: 1.5
To Date: +$5,414
$200 NL win rate: $383/hr

Haven't been able to play hardly at all. But what I did play today was a CRAZY session. There was huge hands on all my tables for the most part all at once. I should have made another $140 if I was playing perfect, overall I played pretty good though. I got down $500 in the first 15-20 minutes, kept my composure and focus and then went on a serious rush. I'm running really well right now, pretty much like I expected to. I think I was right in my assumption that I didn't really have that good of a run of cards at $100 nl. And I think the cards have really picked up here in the last few hours. Anyways I just need to start playing more now, like I had been in the past couple weeks. Then I will be on my way to riches!!! Man does positive thinking and using your mind in the right way pay off big. I need to get a post in on what I mean here soon...


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