Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Can't Wait for $200 NL

Today: +$107
Hours: 3.25
To Date: +$2,780
Win Rate to date: $52/hr

Played OK overall. Made one really horrible play that cost me 3/4 buy in. Made one really tough fold w/ a set that I think was a good play. Made a couple other small mistakes and a bad bluff that is unacceptable. But also made a few pretty nice deceptive plays in small pots that netted me almost a full buy in extra. Should have made a profit somewhere around $250 today at my best though. Hopefully I'm playing $200 NL on Ultimate Bet by Friday. The games look so much better than Absolute, and I really think I'm going to make over $120/hr there. Probably somwhere right around $150/hr with rakeback and the intial deposit bonus actually.....that is awesome!


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