Friday, January 26, 2007

Done with $100 NL

I'm done with $100 NL and on to $200 NL. Took me 3.5 weeks to complete it and I feel like I'm really on pace to do everything I want in this game. I'll probably play 3 tables of .50/1 and 3 tables of 1/2 to ease myself into the swing of things. If tomorrow goes well then I'll strictly play all 1/2 nl tables from then on. Here are some results and stats from $100 nl this month:
Total Won: $3,214
Win Rate: $54.02/hr
Std Deviation: $155.98
Daily Win Pct: 68.18%

Poker Tracker Stats:
VP$IP: 19.54
PF Raise%: 15.46
Total AF: 3.96
PTBB/100: 7.80
MT ratio: 5.08


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